lördag 3 maj 2014

The Boy Who Stopped Time. ❄ Chapter 1 - Panda Boy

-Chapter 1
-Panda Boy-

Darkness. The darkness of the night surrounded the people and buildings in the big city. It was pretty late at night and not many were to be awake. Lamps covered in snow and ice tried to chase the darkness away. Almost everything in the city was covered in pure white and cold snow. It had been snowing now for a few days, ever since a certain group of boys came back to this city and it was still snowing. It was already the beginning of December so not many found it weird with all the snow. Instead, they were happy. They had been waiting for the weather to get cold enough for it to snow.
A single person could be seen walking down the cold streets of Seoul. It was a woman, young at age. She was only wearing light blue jeans, a black t-shirt, a dark red hoodie and white shoes. If people saw her they would probably think that she was crazy, walking around like it was warm outside. The ice cold breeze played with her long dark brown hair and snowflakes got caught in it, but they melted almost instantly. She was cold but she didn't really care. She just wanted to escape reality, even if just for a moment. She let our a sigh and her lukewarm breath created a tiny white cloud that soon disappeared. This girl had been walking around for about two hours now. She takes walks like this once in a while to be able to stay calm instead of breaking down. Yes, this girl isn't as happy as she seem, but we will learn more about that later in this story.
The girl, let's call her miss S for now, suddenly stopped walking and looked up at the night sky. She'd been hearing soft footsteps following her for 10 minutes now. She knew how dangerous this city can be at night but right now she didn't bother. Not at all. She acted carelessly and walked into a poorly lit up playground to rest on one of the swings. She smiled gently as she sat down. Miss S had always loved swings. She used to go to playgrounds with her friends and her parents when she was a bit younger than she is right now. Before she became like this. A total 'f*ck up' as she call it. She rubbed her arms a bit to regain a bit body heat and didn't notice the man that had snuck up behind her. He was drunk. We all know that drunk people tend to do really stupid things, right?
"Hey little girl.. Let's have fun." Miss S turned around on the swing and looked at him. 'So this is the person that has been following me..' She thought. She wrinkled her nose at the smell of alcohol and his tiny pig eyes. Memories came back to her and she stood up from the swing. He grabbed her arm and started pulling her hoodie off. She wouldn't be able to run from this man, he was 20 cm taller and probably much stronger. She just had to accept her fate. He pulled it off and threw her onto the ground so he'd be able to pull her pants off. She kept quiet even when the hard and cold asphalt scraped her back through the thin t-shirt. He pulled her underwear off -more like tore them off her fragile body- and threw them to the side. He then wrapped his hands around her throat and squeezed. She still didn't say anything, she just lied there, struggling to breathe. She soon gave in as she fainted. Three boys saw this happen and came to her aid. Not many would be that brave and help a helpless girl like that, but these three boys did. A few seconds after that she fainted, she wasn't in the park anymore. The man that almost raped her was in the police office and miss S was at someone else's home. Her cold body soon started to get warmer as lots of fluffy blankets were wrapped around her.
    +++No One's P.O.V+++
The Exo boys suddenly noticed that the time stopped. They are able to move and such whenever the time stops, but normal people, animals etc freeze. The boys got worried and started walking around in the big house Suho owned for the time being. 
"Suho hyung, what is happening?" Sehun, the maknae (youngest), asked Suho. Suho only shook his head because he didn't have an answer to Sehun's question. Kai furrowed his eyebrows and pulled his fingers through his light brown hair.
"I'll go look for Tao, Xiumin and Lay." said Kai to one of the leaders. Suho nodded before Kai disappeared into thin air.
"Awh I wanted to go with him!" Sehun whined as usual.
Kai came back soon after with Tao and Lay. Tao was carrying a girl who was unconscious and everybody got worked up about it.
"What happened!?"
"Carry her to my room for now." Suho said and Tao obeyed him. As soon as he had tucked her down below the covers the time slowly started again. Lay examined her body and healed her. It was lucky that they were able to save her before the man actually killed or raped the poor girl. As Lay examined her body he could see scars all over. Both fresh ones and old ones. He healed them also and her skin looked brand new as if she had never hurt herself. It took alot of Lay's energy to heal so he went to talk to Suho quickly before he went straight to bed. It was late after all. 

"Get her back to her home as soon as she wakes up, okay?" Kris ordered Tao and Xiumin, two of the boys that had saved the girl. They couldn't do much than nod and prepare to take her back to her home.

+++Miss S' P.O.V+++ 

I slowly opened my eyes and found myself in a nice warm bed. It was pretty comfy and I just wanted to drift back to my dreamworld, where I could make anything happen. I sat up instantly as I recalled what had happened just a few hours ago. Or wait, how long had I been asleep? It was still dark outside, but what could you expect with the winter like this? I opened my mouth and gently spoke a word. I expected that it would hurt, but it didn't. Neither did my back hurt from the impact of the asphalt when the man threw me. Maybe it was just a nightmare? But.. Where was I? I got a bit startled when a boy suddenly walked into the room. His hair was blond, he was tall and he looked at me with a weird look on his face. He then started smiling and sat down next to me on the bed.

"Annyeong!" He greeted me. He poked my cheeks and right then two more boys came into the room. One of them had black hair and he looked like an angel. The other one had blond hair like the boy that was sitting on the bed, but he had bags under his eyes which made him look like a panda. A tall, cute panda.

"How are you feeling?" The black haired man asked me politely.

"I'm fine."

"That's good. Would you mind telling me where you live?" I looked at him for a moment before I told him my address. He then went out with the blond weird boy and left me with the panda boy. The panda man gently smiled at me and mumbled something that I didn't really hear. I closed my eyes. What happened next really surprised me. I wasn't sure if I'd had a dream or if it was real. When I opened my eyes I found myself in my own room. It was still dark outside and it said '23:31' on the alarmclock next to my bed. I rubbed my eyes and sat up, unsure of what to do next. I checked my phone and saw that it was still wednesday. I groaned at the thought of going to school the next day. I concluded that I had just had a strange dream and I went back to sleep. My dreams confused me though.

I dreamed about a tall boy with blond hair and panda eyes.